
Binary Operators

Symbol Description
+ Addition.
- Subtraction.
* Multiplication.
/ Division.
% Remainder division.
+= Addition and assign.
-= Subtraction and assign.
*= Multiplication and assign.
/= Division and assign.
%= Remainder division and assign.
< Less.
> Greater.
<= Less or equals.
>= Greater or equals.
== Equals.
&& Logical AND.
|| Logical OR.
& Bit AND.
| Bit OR.
^ Bit XOR.
&= Bit AND and assign.
|= Bit OR and assign.
^= Bit XOR and assign.
<< Bitshift left.
>> Bitshift right.

Unary Operators

Symbol Description
+ Positive value.
- Negative value.
@ Pointer dereference.
& Address of.
! Logical not.
~ Bit flip.