Simple Allocator

Compile using blc and run ./out.

MyAllocator :: struct #base Allocator {
    buffer: []u8;
    used_bytes: usize;

allocator_make :: fn (buffer: []u8) MyAllocator {
    return MyAllocator.{
        base = Allocator.{ auto &my_allocator_handler },
        buffer = buffer,
        used_bytes = 0,

my_allocator_handler :: fn (
    allocator: *MyAllocator,
    // Operation specify whether we do allocation or free.
    operation: AllocOp,
    // Pointer to the previously allocated memory. 
    _: *u8,
    // Count of bytes to be allocated.
    size: usize,
    // Allocation allignment.
    alignment: usize,
    // Source file where allocator was called.
    file: string_view,
    // Line in source file where allocator was called.
    line: s32) (mem: *u8, err: Error)
    using AllocOp;
    switch operation {
        ALLOCATE   {
            print("Allocate %B called from %:%.", size, file, line);
            return allocate(allocator, size, alignment);
        REALLOCATE {
            // To properly support reallocation, we have to store additional metadata
            // containing the size of the previous allocated memory associated with input
            // ptr pointer.
            // This is not implemented in this example to keep things simple.
            panic("Rellocation is not supported.");
        FREE {
            print("Free called from %:%.", file, line);
        RESET, RELEASE {
            panic("Unsupported operation: %.", operation);

        default { panic("Unknown operation."); }
    return null, OK;

allocate :: fn (allocator: *MyAllocator, size: usize, alignment: usize) (mem: *u8, err: Error) {
    // Alignment mask.
    mask :: ~(alignment - 1);
    // We need some additional space to properly align the allocation.
    adjusted_size :: size + alignment - 1;
    // Calculate total size needed.
    needed_size :: allocator.used_bytes + adjusted_size;
    // Check if there is space enough in out buffer.
    if needed_size > auto allocator.buffer.len {
        return null, error("The buffer is full! The buffer size is %B and required size is %B.", allocator.buffer.len, needed_size);
    // Get free memory pointer.
    mem := &allocator.buffer[auto allocator.used_bytes];
    // Adjust used size.
    allocator.used_bytes += adjusted_size;
    // Align memory pointer.
    mem = auto ((cast(usize) mem) + alignment - 1 & mask);
    return mem, OK;

User :: struct {
    name: string_view;
    age: s32;

main :: fn () s32 {
    buffer: [2048]u8;
    allocator :: allocator_make(buffer);

    user :: new(User, true, &allocator); = "Martin.";
    user.age = 32;

    print("User = %\n", @user);

    free(auto user, &allocator);
    return 0;