Flow Control

In this chapter, we'll focus on language features focused on conditional code execution and repetitive execution of some code blocks. The BL implements all well-known concepts of flow control and a little bit more. The most common way to let you execute a part of a code only in case some runtime condition is true is the if statement.

If Else

The if-else, as in many other languages, splits the code into two branches and executes one or the other based on some runtime condition. The first branch is executed only if the condition is true. The expression after if statement is required to be a bool or at least convertible to bool type. The implicit conversion is applied only to the pointer values where the null pointer converts to false implicitly.

main :: fn () s32 {
    do_it := true;

    if do_it {
        print("It's done!\n");

Notice that we don't need additional brackets around the condition like in C-like languages. We can optionally introduce the else block executed if the if condition is false.

main :: fn () s32 {
    do_it := false;

    if do_it {
        print("It's done!\n");
    } else {
        print("It's not done!\n");

    return 0;

In some cases we might need only simple single line piece of code executed conditionally. To make it possible, since brackets around the if statement expression are not required, we've introduced then keyword. All following examples are valid.

main :: fn () s32 {
    expr := true;

    if expr { print("This is true branch!\n"); }
    if !expr { print("This is true branch!\n"); } else { print("This is false branch!\n"); }

    // Then is optional here.
    if expr then { print("This is true branch!\n"); }
    if !expr then { print("This is true branch!\n"); } else { print("This is false branch!\n"); }

    // Then is required here. We can have only one statement/expression for each branch.
    if expr then print("This is true branch!\n");
    if !expr then print("This is true branch!\n") else print("This is false branch!\n");

    return 0;

We can also create the whole conditional chain:

Color :: enum {

main :: fn () s32 {
    color := Color.GREEN;

    if color == Color.RED {
        print("It's red!\n");
    } else if color == Color.GREEN {
        print("It's green!\n");
    } else if color == Color.BLUE {
        print("It's blue!\n");
    } else {
        print("It's something else!\n");

    return 0;

However, in such a situation it's better to use the switch statement.

Ternary If Operator

Multiline conditional can be in some cases condensed to a single line expression. We can use ternary if expression for this. Unlike in C languge, there is no special operator for such expression in BL. We can just use the same syntax we already have using if then pattern. In case the if statement is used as an expression, the else branch is mandatory. We also cannot use block branches.

main :: fn () s32 {
    value := 50;

    number: s32;
    // Conditional using standard if statement.
    if value > 0 {
        number = 10;
    } else {
        number = 20;

    // Conditional using inline if statement.
    if value > 0 then number = 10 else number = 20;

    // Direct conditional initialization using ternary if expression.
    number = if value > 0 then 10 else 20;

    return 0;


A switch can compare one numeric value against multiple values and switch execution flow to matching case. The default case can be used for all other values we don't explicitly handle. While the expression after switch keyword is supposed to be a runtime value, the case values must be known in compile-time. Currently, the switch can be used only with integer types.

Color :: enum {

main :: fn () s32 {
    color := Color.BLUE;
    switch color {
        Color.RED   { print("It's red!\n");   }
        Color.GREEN { print("It's green!\n"); }
        Color.BLUE  { print("It's blue!\n");  }

    return 0;

It's also possible to reuse one execution block for multiple cases, just list all case values separated by comma followed by the execution block.

switch color {
    Color.GREEN { print("It's red or green!\n"); }
    Color.BLUE  { print("It's  blue!\n");  }

In case the switch is used with enum values, the compiler will automatically check for you if all possible cases are covered.

switch color {
    Color.GREEN { print("It's red or green!\n"); }
    Color.BLUE  { print("It's  blue!\n");  }
test2.bl:9:5: warning: Switch does not handle all possible enumerator values.
   8 |     color := Color.BLUE;
>  9 |     switch color {
     |     ^^^^^^
  10 |         Color.GREEN { print("It's red or green!\n"); }

Missing case for: RED

If you don't want to handle all cases explicitly, you can introduce a default case:

switch color {
    Color.GREEN { print("It's red or green!\n"); }
    Color.BLUE  { print("It's  blue!\n");  }
    default { print("It's some other color."); }

In the previous example we print a message for the default case, but we can use just an empty statement here:

switch color {
    Color.GREEN { print("It's red or green!\n"); }
    Color.BLUE  { print("It's  blue!\n");  }


Another common way how to manage program control flow is looping. This is a well-known concept available in a lot of languages. We simply run some part of code N-times where N is based on some condition. In BL there is only a single loop keyword for loops followed by an optional condition. We can use break and continue statements inside loops. The break statement will simply interrupt looping and skip out of the loop body. The continue statement will immediately jump to the next loop iteration.

main :: fn () s32 {
    count :: 10;
    i := 0;

    // The loop without conditions will run infinitely until return or break is hit.
    loop {
        i += 1;
        if i == count {
            // Jump out of the loop.

    // Iterate until the 'i' is less than 'count'.
    i = 0;
    loop i < count {
        i += 1;

    // Iterate until the 'j' is less than 'count'. This is the same concept
    // as the previous one, except we declare the iterator directly in the
    // loop.
    loop j := 0; j < count; j += 1 {
        // do something amazing here

    loop j := 0; j < count; j += 1 {
        // We can use 'continue' to skip printing when j is 2.
        if j == 2 { continue; }
        print("j = %\n", j);

    return 0;


One, not so common concept is a defer statement. The defer statement can be used for the "deferring" execution of some expressions. All deferred expressions will be executed at the end of the current scope in reverse order. This is usually useful for some cleanup (i.e. closing a file or freeing memory). When the scope is terminated by return all previous defers up the scope tree will be called after evaluation of return value. See the following example:

main :: fn () s32 {
    defer print("1\n");

        // Lexical scope introduced.
        defer print("2 ");
        defer print("3 ");
        defer print("4 ");
    } // defer 4, 3, 2


    defer print("5 ");
    return 0;
} // defer 5, 1

other_function :: fn () s32 {
    defer print("6 ");
    defer print("7 ");

    if true {
        defer print("8 ");
        return 1;
    } // defer 8, 7, 6

    // This part is newer reached, compiler will complain.
    defer print("9 ");
    return 0;

The output:

4 3 2 8 7 6 5 1

Another good example is the following:

#import "std/fs"

main :: fn () s32 {
    using std;

    stream, open_err :: open_file(#file);
    defer close_file(&stream);
    if open_err { 
        return 1; 

    str := str_new();
    defer str_delete(&str);
    read_bytes, read_err :: read_string(&stream, &str);
    if read_err { 
        return 2;
    print("read % bytes\n", read_bytes);
    print("%\n", str);
    return 0;

Where the defer is used to close_file and str_delete; we can nicely couple the resource allocation and deallocation together and also handle possible errors in more elegant way. In this case, the close_file will be called in case of any error, while opening a file, after return 1; or after the last return 0; automatically.