Data Streams

Compile using blc and run ./out.

#import "std/io"

// Custom stream implementation based on std.Stream.
MyStream :: struct #base std.Stream {
    // Preallocated static buffer.
    buffer: [64]u8;
    // Current position in the buffer array.
    position: s64;

// Virtual table of the stream setting up stream API functions. Our implementation
// does not support seeking, so the seek function is null.
MY_STRAM_VTABLE :: std.StreamVTable.{
    read  = auto &my_read,
    write = auto &my_write

// Actual read function implementation.
my_read :: fn (stream: *MyStream, dest: *u8, bytes_to_read: s64) (s64, Error) {
    using std;
    size := min(stream.position, bytes_to_read);
    stream.position -= size;
    if stream.position < 0 {
        size -= stream.position;
        stream.position = 0;
    if size > 0 {
        memcpy(dest, &stream.buffer[stream.position], auto size);
    return size, OK;

// Actual write function implementation.
my_write :: fn (stream: *MyStream, src: *u8, bytes_to_write: s64) (s64, Error) {
    size :: std.min(stream.buffer.len - stream.position, bytes_to_write);
    if size > 0 {
        // size may be zero even in case the buffer is full.
        memcpy(&stream.buffer[stream.position], src, auto size);
        stream.position += size;
    return size, OK;

init_stream :: fn (stream: *MyStream) {
    stream.vtable = &MY_STRAM_VTABLE;
    stream.position = 0;

main :: fn () s32 {
    using std;

    stream: MyStream #noinit;

    // Use of the IO API.
    write_string(&stream, "Hello");
    write_string(&stream, "World");

    str := str_new();
    defer str_delete(&str);

    read_string(&stream, &str);

    print("%\n", str);
    return 0;