Quick Start

The following example code shows different language features. We're not going into details here, but you can quickly see the language feature set in general. Please read the manual if you're interested in more information.

blc -run demo.bl
#import "std/fs"

main :: fn () s32 {

	return 0;

variables :: fn () {
	print_log("=== variables ===");

	// Mutable variable declaration.
	n1 := 10;
	print_log("n1 = %", n1);

	// Mutable variable declaration with explicit type.
	n2 : s32 = 20;
	print_log("n2 = %", n2);

	// Immutable variable declaration.
	N :: 30;
	print_log("N = %", N);

	// BL variables are by default zero initialized unless you
	// use #noinit directive.
	n3: s32;
	print_log("n3 = %", n3);

	n4: s32 #noinit; // Not initialized to 0.
	print_log("n4 = %", n4);

if_statements :: fn () {
	print_log("=== if_statements ===");

	v :: 10;

	// Inline if statement.
	if v == 10 then print_log("v is 10");

	// Inline if statement with else branch.
	if v == 10 then print_log("v is 10") else print_log("v is not 10");

	// If statement using blocks (then is optional).
	if v == 10 {
		print_log("v is 10");
	} else {
		print_log("v is not 10");

	// We can use if statement as expresion.
	n := if v == 10 then 20 else 40;
	print_log("n = %", n);

loops :: fn () {
	print_log("=== loops ===");

	i := 0;
	loop {
		print_log("i = %", i);
		i += 1;
		// Use break statement to stop the looping.
		if i == 10 then break;

	j := 0;
	loop j < 10 {
		print_log("j = %", j);
		j += 1;

	loop k := 0; k < 10; k += 1 {
		print_log("k = %", k);

defer_statements :: fn () {
	print_log("=== defer_statements ===");

	// We have defer as any other "cool" language these days. It can
	// be used to postpone statement execution at the end of scope. So
	// we can pair init/terminate functions together.

	foo :: fn () {

		defer print_log("C");
		defer print_log("B");


arrays :: fn () {
	print_log("=== arrays ===");

	arr: [10]s32; // Zero initialized array of 10 integers.

	// Initialize the array.
	arr = .{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };

	// Each array has builtin 'len' as s64 count of elements in
	// the array, and 'ptr' as pointer to the array memory.
	print_log("len = %", arr.len);
	print_log("ptr = %", arr.ptr);

	// Print each element.
	loop i := 0; i < arr.len; i += 1 {
		// Use [index] to access individual array elements.
		print_log("arr[%] = %", i, arr[i]);

	// We can print whole array directly like this.
	print_log("arr = %", arr);

array_slices :: fn () {
	print_log("=== array_slices ===");

	// Slices are widely used across the language, in general,
	// slice is just a structure with pointer to first array
	// element and count of elements.

	// Note that in case we have fixed number of elements, we
	// can use "blank identifier" '_' to automatically set the array
	// length bases on element count of the initializer.
	arr :: [_]s32.{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };

	// Arrays can be implicitly converted to slices.
	s : []s32 = arr;
	print_log("s = %", s);

	// This feature might be useful in case we for example want pass
	// array of arbitrary sizes into function.

	sum :: fn (arr: []s32) s32 {
		sum := 0;
		loop i := 0; i < arr.len; i += 1 {
			sum += arr[i];
		return sum;

	print_log("sum(arr) = %", sum(arr));
	print_log("sum(arr) = %", sum([3]s32.{ 10, 20, 30 }));

dynamic_arrays :: fn () {
	print_log("=== dynamic_arrays ===");

	// BL provides builtin dynamic arrays (implemented in Array module).
	arr: [..]s32;
	// Don't forget to release memory allocated by the array. We use defer, so
	// termination is called at teh end of the scope or when funcition returns.
	defer array_terminate(&arr);

	loop i := 0; i < 10; i += 1 {
		// Append at the array end.
		array_push(&arr, i);

	// Print count of elements.
	print_log("arr.len = %", arr.len);

	// Print whole array.
	print_log("arr = %", arr);

	// Dynamic arrays can be converted to slices too.
	sum :: fn (arr: []s32) s32 {
		sum := 0;
		loop i := 0; i < arr.len; i += 1 {
			sum += arr[i];
		return sum;

	print_log("sum(arr) = %", sum(arr));

string_views :: fn () {
	print_log("=== string_views ===");

	// Comptime constant string literal.
	name :: "Martin";

	// String views are just slices pointing to actual string data.

	// Print the string directly.
	print_log("My name is %.", name);
	print_log("len = %", name.len);

dynamic_strings :: fn () {
	print_log("=== dynamic_strings ===");

	// Dynamic string (similar to dynamic arrays) are again provided by
	// default API in 'std' namespace.

	// Allocate new dynamic string.
	str :: std.str_new("Hello");
	defer std.str_delete(&str);

	// Append the string.
	std.str_append(&str, " World!");

	// Print the string.
	print_log("str = %", str);

type_info :: fn () {
	print_log("=== type_info ===");

	// Language provides detailed runtime type information via 'typeinfo()'
	// builtin function.

	// Print the type info for 'print' function.
	print_log("%", typeinfo(print));

structs :: fn () {
	print_log("=== structs ===");

		// Struct type declaration.
		Entity :: struct {
			position: [3]s32;
			id: u32;

		// To initialize variable of this type you can use compound initializer.
		entity := Entity.{
			position = .{ 10, 20, 30 },
			id = 666,

		// You can againg directly print the structure. Like this:
		print_log("entity = %", entity);

		// What is maybe more cool, you can print even the structure type:
		print_log("T = %", Entity);

		// Structure members can be tagged by u64 value known in compile-time.
		NO_SERIALIZE : u64 : 1;

		Entity :: struct {
			position: [3]s32;
			render_data: *u8 #tag NO_SERIALIZE;
			id: u32;

		// Tag is later accessible in structure member related type info, and
		// can be used in runtime.
		// Here we exclude automatically all members tagged as NO_SERIALIZE from
		// serialization.

		info_struct :: cast(*TypeInfoStruct) typeinfo(Entity);
		loop i := 0; i < info_struct.members.len; i += 1 {
			member :: info_struct.members[i];
			if member.tag == NO_SERIALIZE then continue;
			print_log("Serialize member '%'!", member.name);

function_taking_any :: fn () {
	print_log("=== function_taking_any ===");

	// The value of Any type contains pointer to type information and pointer
	// to data. This way we can implement reusable "generic" function (like for example
	// print/print_log we already used a lot).

	print_number_or_bool :: fn (v: Any) {
		if v.type_info.kind == TypeKind.INT {
			// v.data is pointer to u8 type.
			v_int :: @(cast(*s32)v.data); // @ is dereference of pointer
			print_log("Number: %", v_int);
		} else if v.type_info.kind == TypeKind.BOOL {
			v_bool :: @(cast(*bool)v.data);
			print_log("Boolean: %", if v_bool then "TRUE" else "FALSE");

	// Notice we do not need to do explicit conversion here, anything can by converted
	// to Any implicitly. (Even types)

function_returning_multiple_values :: fn () {
	print_log("=== function_returning_multiple_values ===");

	// In some cases you might need to return more than just one value from function
		get_two_numbers :: fn () (s32, s32) {
			return 10, 20;

		a, b :: get_two_numbers();
		print_log("a = %", a);
		print_log("b = %", b);

		// You can name these things...
		get_two_numbers :: fn () (first: s32, second: s32) {
			return 10, 20;

		a, b :: get_two_numbers();
		print_log("a = %", a);
		print_log("b = %", b);

		// You can use just one of the results.
		first :: get_two_numbers();
		print_log("first = %", first);

		// Use blanbk identifier to ignore first value.
		_, second :: get_two_numbers();
		print_log("second = %", second);

error_handling :: fn () {
	print_log("=== error_handling ===");

	// There is really nothing special about error handling in BL; we just return an error,
	// but multiple return values makes it a bit easier.

	div :: fn (a: s32, b: s32) (result: s32, err: Error) {
		if b == 0 then return 0, error("You can't divide by 0!");
		return a/b, OK;

		result, err :: div(10, 2);
		if err then print_err(err) else print_log("result = %", result);

		result, err :: div(10, 0);
		if err then print_err(err) else print_log("result = %", result);


polymorph_functions :: fn () {
	print_log("=== polymorph_functions ===");

	// We also have generic/polymorph/templated/whatever functions in the language. You'll
	// write thing we call "function recipe" and actual implementation is generated automatically
	// when function is used.

	// ? before type name indicates polymorph master type which is inferred from call
	// side.
	add :: fn (first: ?T, second: T) T {
		return first + second;

	// Use with integers.
	print_log("add(10, 20) = %", add(10, 20));

	// Use with floats.
	print_log("add(10.f, 20.f) = %", add(10.f, 20.f));

comptime_functions :: fn () {
	print_log("=== comptime_functions ===");

	// Compile-time known expressions in the language are evaluated under the hood and
	// replaced by constant results. We use integrated interpretter for this (the same thing
	// used when you use 'blc -run something.bl').
	// So we can have compile-time functions (executed during the compilation) and not
	// existing in result executable produced by the compiler.

	load_file_to_stack :: fn () []u8 #comptime { // Marked as comptime.
		using std;

		// Load current source file.
		stream, open_err :: open_file(#file);
		defer close_file(&stream);
		if open_err then panic(open_err);

		data: [..]u8;
		read_err :: read_whole(&stream, &data);
		if read_err then panic(read_err);

		return data;

	// Here the comptime function is executed during the compilation and its return value
	// (content of this file in our case) becomes static string literal stored in DATA constant.
	DATA :: load_file_to_stack();
	print_log("Static data: %...", slice_range(DATA, 0, 32));

comptime_function_arguments :: fn () {
	print_log("=== comptime_function_arguments ===");

	// You can specify function arguments as comptime, this way we actually implement
	// generic containers. You can pass types as comptime arguments.

	MyArray :: fn (TValue: type #comptime, SIZE: s32 #comptime) type #comptime {
		return struct {
			data: [SIZE]TValue;
			len: s32;

	{ // Use for integer
		arr: MyArray(s32, 10);
		loop i := 0; i < 4; i += 1 {
			arr.data[i] = i;
			arr.len += 1;

		print_log("arr = %", arr);

	{ // Use for strings
		arr: MyArray(string_view, 10);
		loop i := 0; i < 4; i += 1 {
			arr.data[i] = "Hello";
			arr.len += 1;

		print_log("arr = %", arr);

temporary_storage :: fn () {
	print_log("=== temporary_storage ===");

	// Temporary storage is preallocated memory in memory pool provided to every
	// application implicitly in 'application_context' global variable.
	// This might be useful in frame based applications where you need some scratch
	// memory used each frame.

	ROOT_DIR :: "/my/dir";

	loop i := 0; i < 10; i += 1 {
		// Our frame.

		// tprint internally uses temporary storage to hold the resulting path here.
		path :: tprint("%/%.txt", ROOT_DIR, i);
		print_log("path = %", path);

		// Resetting the temporary storage will keep memory preallocated, but 'path'
		// becomes invalid after reset.


	// Release the temporary storage (free preallocated pool). (this is done automatically
	// at main function exit, but you might want to be explicit sometimes).

	// Note that the 'application_context' is muttable, and you can change various default
	// things there (such as abort handler, log handler, global allocator, temporary allocator
	// etc.).