
#import "extra/draw"

Collection of simple 2D primitive rendering functions. Internally the module uses OpenGL core profile for rendering and is supposed to be used for simple games or quick prototyping.

The draw module is not supposed to be an OpenGL replacement, if you want to do some advanced rendering, use OpenGL directly.



General desing

The draw API is based on switching the global context of rendering primitives (rectangles). In example to draw bunch of colored rectangles we must set the propper shader first:

using draw;
using glm;
set_shader_color(); // Prepare renderer for rendering of colored rectangles.

rect(10.f, 10.f, 100.f, 100.f, v4.{ 1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f });
rect(200.f, 10.f, 100.f, 100.f, v4.{ 0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f });
rect(400.f, 10.f, 100.f, 100.f, v4.{ 0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 1.f });

Internally each call to rect just appends the geometry caches; actual rendering is done when currenty used shader is changed or flush is called explicitly. This approach reduces count of required draw calls a bit.

See the example.


init :: fn (viewport_width: s32, viewport_height: s32, initialize_opengl :: true) Error

Draw library initialization must be called once before the module is used. The viewport_width and viewport_height defines the viewport size in current opengl context. These values are usually the same as the window size.

The terminate must be called when draw module is not needed anymore.

The current OpenGL context must be aready set, the minimal required OpenGL version is 3.3 "Core Profile". You can use i.e. glfw or similar tool to create window and propper OpenGL context.

The gl_init function is called internally.

Note: Window resizing is not supported right now.

File: draw.bl


set_viewport_size :: fn (viewport_width: s32, viewport_height: s32) 

Set the size of the viewport, this is done automatically in the init function call, however this one can be used e.g. in case of the window resize.

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toggle_gamma_correction :: fn (v: bool)  #inline

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terminate :: fn (terminate_opengl :: true) 

Release all resources used by the module. This should be called when the module is not needed anymore.

The gl_terminate function is called internally.

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clear_color :: fn (color :: glm.v4_zero)  #inline

Fill the current frame buffer with color. This is usually called each frame.

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set_shader_color :: fn ()  #inline

Prepare renderer for rendering colored rectangles. Each rectangle can use different color. This method is supposed to be called before rect or rect_centered.

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set_shader_texture :: fn (texture: *Texture)  #inline

Prepare renderer for rendering textured rectangles. This method is supposed to be called before rect or rect_centered (all rectangles will use the same texture).

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set_shader_font :: fn (font: *Font)  #inline

Prepare the renderer for rendering of a text.

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rect :: fn { 
    fn (position_x: f32, position_y: f32, width: f32, height: f32, color :: glm.v4_one) ; 
    fn (position_x: f32, position_y: f32, width: f32, height: f32, colors: []glm.v4) ; 
} #inline

Draw a single colored rectangle or texture into the frame buffer.

File: draw.bl


rect_centered :: fn (center_x: f32, center_y: f32, width: f32, height: f32, color :: glm.v4_one)  #inline

Draw a single colored rectangle or texture into the frame buffer.

File: draw.bl


rect_rounded :: fn (position_x: f32, position_y: f32, width: f32, height: f32, r: f32, inner_color :: glm.v4_one, outer_color :: glm.v4_one)  #inline

File: draw.bl


rect_centered_rotated :: fn (center_x: f32, center_y: f32, width: f32, height: f32, angle_in_radians: f32, color :: glm.v4_one)  #inline

Draw a single colored rectangle or texture with rotation into the frame buffer.

File: draw.bl


text :: fn (position_x: f32, position_y: f32, text: string_view, text_color : glm.v4: glm.v4_one)  #inline

Draw text into the frame buffer.

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code :: fn (position_x: f32, position_y: f32, code: string_view, character_color_indices: []u8, color_table: []glm.v4)  #inline

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flush :: fn ()  #inline

Immediately render all cached stuff into the frame buffer.

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TextureFormat :: enum u8 {
    RED = 1;
    RGB = 3;
    RGBA = 4;

Texture channel distribution format.

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Texture :: struct {
    format: TextureFormat;
    bit_depth: u8;
    width: u32;
    height: u32;
    handle: GLuint;

Texture representation in draw module.


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texture_init :: fn (texture: *Texture, directory: string_view, filename: string_view) Error

Load png texture from the directory/filename.

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texture_terminate :: fn (texture: *Texture) 

Release texture data.

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png_load_from_file :: fn (filepath: string_view, out_data: **u8, out_width: *u32, out_height: *u32, out_bit_depth: *u8, out_format: *TextureFormat) Error

Loads png image from filepath into out_data. The out_data shoud be released by free call on caller side.

File: draw.bl


png_load_from_memory :: fn (data: []u8, out_data: **u8, out_width: *u32, out_height: *u32, out_bit_depth: *u8, out_format: *TextureFormat) Error

File: draw.bl


png_load_from_stream :: fn (stream: *std.Stream, out_data: **u8, out_width: *u32, out_height: *u32, out_bit_depth: *u8, out_format: *TextureFormat) Error

File: draw.bl


Font :: struct {
    char_table: ;
    atlas: Texture;
    size: f32;
    height: f32;
    base_offset_y: f32;
    tab_size: s32;

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GlyphInfo :: struct {
    advance_x: f32;
    advance_y: f32;
    width: f32;
    height: f32;
    left: f32;
    top: f32;
    atlas_u_offset: f32;
    atlas_v_offset: f32;

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font_default_char_set :: fn () []u32 #inline

Returns default ASCII character table.

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font_generate_char_set :: fn (chars: string_view, out_set: *[..]u32) 

Generate new character table based on input chars.

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font_init_at_size :: fn (font: *Font, directory: string_view, filename: string_view, size: s32, char_set :: ) Error

Initialize new font from the 'TTF' file at directory/filename at required size. Custom char_set can be specified in case we need to render some non-ascii unicode characters. Each loaded font must be terminated by font_terminate.

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font_init_at_size_from_memory :: fn (font: *Font, file_data: []u8, size: s32, char_set :: ) Error

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font_terminate :: fn (font: *Font) 

Terminate loaded font.

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font_set_tab_size :: fn (font: *Font, space_count: s32) 

Set size of a tab character as space_count count of spaces.

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text_size :: fn (text: string_view, font: *Font, _len :: -1) (width: f32, height: f32)

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get_character_count_to_fit :: fn (text: string_view, font: *Font, fit_to: f32, split_by_words :: false) s32

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split_text_to_fit :: fn (text: string_view, font: *Font, fit_to: f32, split_by_words :: false) (left: string_view, right: string_view)

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set_scissor :: fn (position_x: f32, position_y: f32, width: f32, height: f32) 

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clear_scissor :: fn () 

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