Bucket Array

Compile using blc my-file-name.bl and run ./out.

#import "std/bucket_array"

Entity :: struct {
	id: s32;
	name: string_view;
	health: s32;

main :: fn () s32 {
	using std;
	arr: BucketArray(Entity);
	// Release all allocated memory
	defer bucket_array_terminate(&arr);

	loop i := 0; i < 10; i += 1 {
		// Get the adress of the newly pushed entity element.
		entity_ptr := bucket_array_push(&arr);
		// Initialize with some dummy values.
		entity_ptr.id = i;
		entity_ptr.name = "Martin";
		entity_ptr.health = i * 2;

	// Iterate over all entities
	loop it := bucket_array_begin(&arr); it; it = bucket_array_iter_next(&arr, it) {
		print("%\n", it.value);

	return 0;