Hash Table

Compile using blc my-file-name.bl and run ./out.

#import "std/table"

main :: fn () s32 {
	using std;
	table: Table(string_view, s32);
	defer tbl_terminate(&table);

	// Insert some data into the table.
	tbl_insert(&table, "Martin", 32);
	tbl_insert(&table, "Lisa", 29);
	tbl_insert(&table, "John", 40);

	// Lookup data by key.
	value, found :: tbl_lookup(&table, "Martin");
	if found {
		print("%\n", value);

	// Iterate over the table
	loop i := 0; i < table.len; i += 1 {
		print("[%] %\n", table.keys[i], table.values[i]);

	return 0;