
Compile using blc and run ./out.

// Global variable is visible in whole source. This variable is initialized
// by constant literal '10' which is known in compile time.
MyGlobal : s32 = 10;

// Global immutable variable
CannotChangeThis : f32 : 10.f;

// Global without initialization will be automatically set to it's default
// value, in this case it's zero.
DefaultValueGlobal: s32; 

main :: fn () s32 {
	// Local variables are declared in local scope of main function or
	// any other function.
	number : s32 = 10; // This is number of s32 type set to 10.

	number = 20; // Number is mutable, and since now it's value is 20.

	// Use of the print function to print out variable value.
	// '%' is used as placeholder in the string saying where the print 
	// function should place our value.
	print("number is %\n", number);

	// Variable without initialization will be automatically set to default
	// value. In this case 'other_number' will be zero. This initialization
	// can be disabled by #noinit flag 'other_number: u8 #noinit;'.
	other_number: u8;
	other_number = 16;

	print("other_number is %\n", other_number);

	// Type of the variable can be inferred from type of initialization 
	// value.
	boolean := true; // Inferred bool type.

	// We can print bools in the same way as numbers.
	print("boolean is %\n", boolean);

	// Declare local immutable number
	immut_number : s32 : 10;

	// This is illegal, variable is immutable.
	// immut_number = 10;
	print("immut_number is %\n", immut_number);

	// Or just do this...
	immut_other_number :: 20;

	print("immut_other_number is %\n", immut_other_number);

	return 0;