
Collection of operating system interface imported implicitly.

Standard IO

Standard input and output is implemented using the builtin Stream abstraction, so all common stream manipulation methods like read and write can be used. Use following methods to obtain the stream handle.

OsStdIoStream :: struct #base std.Stream {
    handle: win32.HANDLE;

// Standard input stream
os_stdin :: fn () *OsStdIoStream
// Standard output stream.
os_stdout :: fn () *OsStdIoStream
// Standard output error stream.
os_stderr :: fn () *OsStdIoStream

In general, you can use i.e. Standard Output Stream for printing into the console, however using print function is more elegant in most situations.

Note: On Windows the terminal output is encoded to UTF-8 by defautl using winapi function SetConsoleOutputCP.


os_execute :: fn (command: string_view) s32

Execute shell command and return the command output state as an integer.


os_get_last_error :: fn () (s32, string_view) #inline

Return last known operating system dependent error code.


os_get_exec_path :: fn () string

Returns a full path to the currently running executable; internally a new string is allocated and must be deleted after use. The path may be empty in case of an error.


os_get_backtrace :: fn (skip_frames := 0, max_frame_count := 64) []CodeLocation

Returns current execution stack trace obtained from native executable debug information. This feature is available only in DEBUG mode and only during native runtime. Output slice of CodeLocations contains stack frame records starting from the os_get_backtrace caller function + skip_frames. The max_frame_count can limit maximum count of obtained frames.

Note: This function internally allocate using current application context temporary allocator.

Warning: Currently this function is implemented only on Windows and does nothing on all other supported platforms.