#import "std/table"
Table is generic data container aka hash table or hash map storing data entries as pairs of Key and Value. Table provides fast lookup on large amount of data.
Internally, the table is implemented as preallocated array of slots
and dynamic array of keys
and values
. The slots
array holds information about mapping of each key-value pair (inserted into keys
and values
arrays) and corresponding 32 bit hash value calculated from the key
The kays
and values
arrays are actually regular dynamic arrays holding inserted keys and values,
so it can be iterated as usual. The ordering of arrays is unstable after erase operation.
Performance of insert and lookup is getting worse when the table is starting to be full, to minimize
this problem, the table grows when the maximum load factor is reached (i.e. 70%). In such a situation
only the slots
array is reallocated and whole table mapping is recalculated. This operation can be
expensive on large tables. However, keys
and values
arrays stays as it is and reallocates as regular
dynamic arrays (in case there is no preallocated space left).
Warning: Table data array ordering corresponds to the order of inserts until any element is erased from the table.
Warning: The key types are limited to numbers, strings and pointers (this may change in the future).
#import "std/table"
main :: fn () s32 {
using std;
table: Table(string_view, s32);
defer tbl_terminate(&table);
// Insert some data into the table.
tbl_insert(&table, "Martin", 32);
tbl_insert(&table, "Lisa", 29);
tbl_insert(&table, "John", 40);
// Lookup data by key.
value, found :: tbl_lookup(&table, "Martin");
if found {
print("%\n", value);
// Iterate over the table
loop i := 0; i < table.len; i += 1 {
print("[%] %\n", table.keys[i], table.values[i]);
return 0;
Table :: fn (TKey: type, TValue: type) type
Create a new Table type. The TKey
must be a number, string or pointer type.
Table :: struct {
keys: [..]TKey;
values: [..]TValue;
len: s64;
File: table.bl
tbl_init :: fn (tbl: *?T, expected_size :: DEFAULT_ENTRIES_COUNT, allocator : *Allocator: null)
Initialize the tbl
table. It's not necessary to call this method in case the table is
already zero-initialized. The expected_size
can be specified as hint telling the table how many
elements we're going to store. Memory preallocation is performed using allocator
File: table.bl
tbl_terminate :: fn (tbl: *?T)
Release all memory resources used by the table and set the tbl
instance to the default state.
File: table.bl
tbl_typeof_key :: fn (TTable: type) type
Resolve type of key from table type in compile-time.
File: table.bl
tbl_typeof_value :: fn (TTable: type) type
Resolve type of value from table type in compile-time.
File: table.bl
tbl_insert :: fn {
Overloaded table insert function adding a new element (associated with the key
) into the table.
The key
value must be unique (not already existing in the table), this is checked in debug
mode and panic is invoked in case of collision.
fn (tbl: *?T, key: tbl_typeof_key(T), value: tbl_typeof_value(T)) *tbl_typeof_value(T) #inline
fn (tbl: *?T, key: tbl_typeof_key(T)) *tbl_typeof_value(T) #inline
Function returns pointer to the newly inserted value in the values
Note: When no value is explicitly inserted, returned pointer points to non-initialized memory.
File: table.bl
tbl_lookup_ptr :: fn (tbl: *?T, key: ) * #inline
Lookup entry associated with the key
and returns pointer its value or null
when no such key
was found.
File: table.bl
tbl_lookup :: fn (tbl: *?T, key: ) (value: , found: bool) #inline
Lookup entry associated with the key
and returns its value and true
or uninitialized value of type TValue
and false
when no such key
was found in the table.
File: table.bl
tbl_lookup_index :: fn (tbl: *?T, key: ) s32 #inline
Lookup entry associated with the key
and returns index of found element (appliable to keys
or values
arrays) or -1
when no such key
was found.
File: table.bl
tbl_erase :: fn (tbl: *?T, key: ) bool #inline
Erase an entry associated with key
from the table and returns true
in case the entry was
Note: Ordering of the values and keys may change.
File: table.bl
tbl_contains :: fn (tbl: *?T, key: ) bool #inline
Checks whether the table tbl
contains the key
File: table.bl
tbl_clear :: fn (tbl: *?T) #inline
Clears the table, but keeps allocated memory.
File: table.bl