
#load "std/utils.bl"

Set of various utility functions.


set_flag :: fn (flags: *?T, other: T) T #inline

Sets other flag or flags in flags input. This function is valid for numeric and enum flags types (checked by assert). This function can be easily replaced by flags |= other expression, pick your preferred way to do it.

Note: Multiple flags can be set at once by using an or operator other = A | B.

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clr_flag :: fn (flags: *?T, other: T) T #inline

Clear other flag or flags in flags input. This function is valid for numeric and enum flags types (checked by assert).

Note: Multiple flags can be cleared at once by using an or operator other = A | B.

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is_flag :: fn (flags: ?T, other: T) bool #inline

Checks whether other flag or flags is set in flags. This function is valid for numeric and enum flags types (checked by assert).

In case you provide a combination of multiple flags as other argument, all of them must be set in the flags otherwise the function returns false.

Internally this is wrapper around (flags & other) == other expression.

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env_get :: fn (var: string_view) string

Reads environment variable specified by var name. Result is empty in case no such variable was found or has no content. It's caller responsibility to delete result string.

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env_set :: fn (var: string_view, value: string_view)  #inline

Sets environment variable.

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random_seed_time :: fn ()  #inline

Sets seed for std.rand or utility function random_number based on current system tick time.

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random_number :: fn (min :: 0, max :: 1) s32 #inline

Generates random number in specified range <min, max> using standard libc rand generator. Random number generator seed is supposed to be set by :ref:random_seed_time or by std.srand call.

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sort :: fn (list: []?T, cmp: *fn (a: *T, b: *T) bool) 

Slice sorting utility.

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find_if :: fn (arr: []?T, func: *fn (: *T) bool) (value: *T, index: s64) #inline

Iterate over arr slice and return pointer to the value and it's index if func validator function returs true.

The func is called for every element in the arr slice and pointer to the current element is passed into this function.

In case no element was found, function returns null pointer and -1 index.

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hash_combine :: fn (first: ?T, second: T, more: ...T) T #inline

Combine two or more hashes into one, T is expected to be an integer type (checked by static assert).

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is_power_of_two :: fn (n: usize) bool #inline

Check whether the number n is power of 2.

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next_pow_2 :: fn (n: s64) s64 #inline

Finds next power of 2.

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utf8_to_utf32 :: fn (utf8_str: string_view, out_utf32_str: *[..]u32) Error

Converts UTF8 encoded string to UTF32.

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utf8_to_utf32_single_char :: fn (utf8: string_view) (utf32: u32, decoded_bytes: s32, state: Error) #inline

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utf32_to_utf8 :: fn (utf32_str: []u32, out_utf8_str: *string) Error

Converts UTF32 encoded string to UTF8.

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utf32_to_utf8_single_char :: fn (utf32_char: u32, out_utf8_str: *string) Error

Appends the out_utf8_str string with utf8 characters converted from utf32_str input.

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reinterpret_read_any :: fn (T: type, value: Any) T #inline

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reinterpret_write_any :: fn (dest: Any, value: ?T) usize #inline

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ternary :: fn (expr: bool, a: ?T, b: T) T #inline

Can be used as replacement for C ternary operator expr ? a : b.

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