
// Variables

   Variable represents named piece of data used by program.
   Every variable has name, type and some value. Every variable
   can be mutable or immutable, the value of mutable variable can
   be changed any time during program executions, immutable variable
   can be set only once.

   Variables can be declared in local scope of any funcion or in
   global scope of whole program. Variables in local scope are visible
   only in that scope, on the other hand global variables are visible

   There is one limitation for global variables, they must be initialized
   to some value everytime and that value must be known in compile time.
   You cannot use for example output of some function to initialize global
   variable, because compiler have no idea what the return value of this
   function will be.

// Global variable is visible in whole source. This variable is initialized
// by constant literal '10' which is known in compile time.
MyGlobal : s32 = 10;

// Global immutable variable
CannotChangeThis : f32 : 10.f;

main :: fn () s32 {
    // Local variables are declared in local scope of main function or
    // any other function.
    number : s32 = 10; // This is number of s32 type set to 10.

    number = 20; // Number is mutable, and since now it's value is 20.

    // Use of the print function to print out variable value.
    // '%' is used as placeholder in the string saying where the print 
    // function should place our value.
    print("number is %\n", number);

    // Variable without initialization will contain undefined value and
    // it should be set to some value before use.
    other_number: u8;
    other_number = 16;

    print("other_number is %\n", other_number);

    // Type of the variable can be inferred from type of initialization 
    // value.
    boolean := true; // Inferred bool type.

    // We can print bools in the same way as numbers.
    print("boolean is %\n", boolean);

    // Declare local immutable number
    immut_number : s32 : 10;

    // This is illegal, variable is immutable.
    // immut_number = 10;
    print("immut_number is %\n", immut_number);

    // Or just do this...
    immut_other_number :: 20;

    print("immut_other_number is %\n", immut_other_number);

    return 0;